Get responses from real people really fast using national omnibus surveys powered by Glow's research platform.
Glow's Omnibus runs frequently, surveying a representative sample of adults in each market.
The omnibus captures responses from people quickly and affordably. Results are shared in real-time and data can be analysed against demographics and a unique sustainability segmentation.
How: Online survey using quality consumer panel from Glow's partner network
Who: 1,000 adults aged 18+ years
Where: Australia, United States, United Kingdom
When: Every two weeks.
Raw data is available in real-time via 'live links' with reports provided within 72 hours of fieldwork completion.
Sample: Nationally representative sample with interlocking quotas based on age and gender as well as a representative sample by location.
Introductory pricing:
Pricing - Ad Hoc | AUD | GBP | USD |
Minimum 3 questions on the same survey | $2000 | £900 | $1000 |
Discounts for multi-market or question bundles. Regular Glow customers also receive access to additional demo crosstabs including household income splits.
Output: Interactive data via 'live links', charts in PPT and data tables in Excel.
Capture quality responses from real people at a fraction of the cost of custom research.
Each respondent answers questions for different customers, but the cost of recruiting and surveying people is shared across all. Questions and results remain confidential to each customer.
Omnibus fieldwork is conducted regularly and quickly to a fixed schedule of fieldwork dates.
Demographics included
Outputs include demographic breakdowns of your answers across standard cohorts like age, gender, and location.
Use cases
Common uses for omnibus data include:
Glow's unique 'live-links' enable you to see your data as people respond, so you don't have to wait until the Omnibus is complete.
View an example here.
Your answers will be available to compare across a range of demographics including age, gender, and location breaks.
You can also view responses against a perception-based Sustainability segmentation.
Regular users of the Glow platform can request access to additional demo crosstabs, including household income splits.
Finally, you can conduct your own analysis by combining the demographic answers with responses from your own questions. See the Live Data Link example.
Results are provided in live interactive links, with charts provided via PPT for ease of presentation and data tables provided in Excel.
See a full sample omni report here.
Glow's Omnibus runs on the following schedule in each survey week.
Tuesday 5pm local time - questions close
Wednesday - scripting, clarifications, testing
There are a limited number of questions available in each omnibus and space is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until capacity is full.
To secure your space, send an email to with your draft questions, company name and contact details.
Payments are strictly in advance by credit card.
Custom Research:
Glow’s Omnibus is ideal when you want a representative view of adult opinion but only have a couple of questions to ask.
You can preview a respondent's view of Glow's question types here.
We use interlocking quotas to ensure the sample reflects the population by age and gender, as well as including a representative sample by location. In Australia, quotas align with ABS Census data, while in the US and UK, they follow national census data for comparable accuracy.
You’ll get a bespoke report housed on Glow's portal with 3 outputs:
View an example here.
Omnibus outputs include breakdowns by:
Raw data is available in real-time through Glow’s unique live links, and final reports are delivered within 72 hours of the survey's completion.
Glow's end-to-end research platform powers the omnibus. Glow's platform is available for other businesses to run private omnibus studies or to create solutions that capture data on a recurring basis, such as 'issues' monitors. For example, Glow's platform was used to deliver Sensis' Business Index which captured ongoing small business confidence and behaviour. If you'd like to discuss creating your own omnibus or data product reach out to the team at